The Shift
Life happens; Hey we all know it does. It's not what happens to us in life that creates "The Shift" it's how we choose to respond to the things that happens to us in our lives that creates "The Shift"
I know because I have been there. In 2 years I was divorced, move 3 times, change jobs, lost my home and my cars. I hit rock bottom, I thought there was no way that I could create "The Shift" in my life from all of this.
I realized I was worth so much more than my circumstances, my story was needed. Your story is needed.
Here's the thing when we begin to tap into our mindfulness, our thoughts, our self limiting beliefs we are able to reshape our narrative. Reshape the way we think, the way we feel, the way we move through our lives.
It may seem hard at times to bridge that gap.....
Soulful Healing Academy helps you:
+ Tap into that mindfulness so that you can break through those barriers
+ Tap back to SOUL ( shifting how you feel)
& create movement in your life.
I first did the inner work needed to change my mindset. I began to be Aware of the thoughts that were limiting me from stepping into my SELF. I manifested what I wanted to happen in my life but also the lives of my daughters.
I then tapped into my Self Worth and Self Esteem. I did the inquiry work to truly tap into who I was and who I wanted to be. I began to create the life that I wanted, the life that I was destined to be. I began to truly take Care of Self
I knew the my story there was a testimony and a purpose to help other women and so Soulful Healing Academy was birthed.