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I went back to therapy

I decided to get back into talk therapy and honestly it feels so good and I'm glad I decided to get back into therapy. You see there was a time in my life when I thought talk therapy was just for when you're down, depressed, and have mental stuff going on but honestly, I've realized therapy is like having that support system that best friend that you can talk to about things going on in your life and they are just in listening.

Why talk therapy?

What I realized is that therapy was so much more than just going when I had problems; therapy was addressing things before they even become a problem. It's about recognizing when you are feeling a shift happen in your life and taking time out to handle it before it becomes a situation.

It's about noticing when you feel like things are spiraling in your life and taking action before things get out of control. Here is the reality we can't fix everything and honestly there are some things that are not meant to be fixed but meant to learn and grow from. Talk therapy helps you rationalize what you are feeling and put it into words. It's like having a talk with your best friend or with close friends but here is the difference you're not going to get just an opinion but strategic steps to help you cope and handle the things you are experiencing.

It's important to allow yourself the space to release whatever you may be feeling so you can open up space to grow, evolve, to move ahead realizing that can't move ahead if we are always being pulled backward.

I didn't just stop there

I didn't just stop with talk therapy but applied the tools and the strategies that I learn in talk therapy to my life. I also allowed myself to move the energy out through embodied movement. You see what we often fail to realize is that stress, anxiety, worry, and disappointment all manifest in our bodies. We start to feel this in our bodies and if we are not careful it will stay in our bodies as a result of illness, and muscle tightness, and then the pain starts to subside in our bodies. So it's important to move our bodies not only for our physical health but also for our mental and emotional health as well.

What is embodied movement?

Embodied movement is a body-led movement. It's doing the movement that feels good in your body. For example, there are days when my body needs to feel a sense of strength and so I'll do weightlifting. While there are other days when my body needs grace so I may do a slow flow or deep stretch-style yoga class. It's listening to not only what your body needs but also your mind. This embodied movement is where in the fitness world we have gotten lost and everyone has the sense that they have to only move their body in one way or form or fashion. It's about doing the movement that feels supportive in your body. The movement that helps you feel strength, grace, peace, joy, happiness, and bliss.

So one thing that I have learned through my own journey is the effects of having both, talk therapy and embodied movement. It's also making sure that I utilize the tools and strategies that are supportive for me not just when a situation occurs but also before a situation occurs.

Do what feels good for your mind, body and soul. Don't allow yourself to get to the place where you have to but where you want to support your total wellness. It's understanding that optimal wellness is not a supplement, it's not a quick fix it's doing the things that support your mind, body and soul. Take time to take care of you and support yourself each and everyday. Why? Because you simply deserve it!

With love,


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