As I was sitting at the desk right before I was preparing to teach my Exercise Science class I was just sitting there thinking about the lack of Energy I had. It wasn't that lack of energy like my body is tired or I'm sleepy. It was the mental drain energy, the emotionally need to recharge energy.
It got me thinking about Beyonce's song, yep I literally started singing ENERGY got that Energy. Of course me being the person that I am I was like let me really look up the lyrics to that song; because let's be honest how many times have you sung a song and really didn't know or understand what the lyrics were in that song.
So as I started to really look at the words and listen to the song I realized just like the ENERGY that Beyonce is speaking of regarding stopping the room, not stealing my energy, on top of the world energy. I began to unravel this as energy exchange. We all have different energies even different days. Often times some of our energy is not our energy but others energies that we have engulfed into our own being.
What do you mean?
Have you ever been around someone who is sad and then all of sudden you start to feel sad? It's not that you are sad but you have now morphed yourself into that energy of sadness.
So how do we avoid taken on energy that we don't want to have?
1.Determine what is yours?
So often we take on others energies because we don't even know that we have taken on their energy. Decipher between what is yours and what is not your energy. Ask yourself, Is this feeling mine or someone's else?
2. Practice Grounding Activities
There are so many practices that help you re ground, re connect back to SELF. These include: mindfulness, meditation, yoga, somatic experiencing.
3. Ritualize Separation
After you have social interaction create space to visualize yourself releasing from that social interaction. Visualization will help you create this separation of what is no longer yours and what is yours.
4. Spend some time in Nature
You may find a sense of recalibration when you take a moment to get out into nature. Go take a walk, feel your feet rooted and grounded in earth.
5. Self Care is the Best Care
Make time to find a quiet area to retreat, taking a nice warm bath, warm shower washing aways all the energies that you have collected through the social interactions imagine it washing away.
6. Talk it out
Talk with someone about how you're feeling to help you decipher what is yours and what is not. We may find it more beneficial to do this in a safer space with a therapist someone that can take a more neutral position.
All Energy isn't bad energy. We want that GOOD ENERGY! In order to truly understand our energy we must first understand what is ours and what is others. The next time you're feeling blue, feeling unsettled, take a moment a do an energy check and tap into what is yours and what is not.
Because we want that GOOD ENERGY!
With love,