Whew last week of 2022 seems so surreal right! Where has this year gone. Does anyone else feel like that? Or is it just me....
So I am the person that will have a full out plan for what I want to do in the new year or what I want to accomplish. Do I have any other extreme planners out there?
I will strategically set all of these goals, aspirations, dreams of what I want to see happen in my life which there is nothing wrong with that. Don't get me wrong it's great to create a vision board, intentions for the new year but before you do all of that. Take time out to truly reflect on the past year. I like to call it, "Life Inventory"
What the heck does that mean?
So think about it when you're doing inventory in a store or on a job. You're looking through what you have and seeing what items do you need to restock on. What items did you sell the most? What items didn't sell? How can you sell more in the upcoming year? What were some things that went well throughout the year that you want to do again in the new year. So now let's take a moment and apply this to our life.
Take Inventory of your Life
What areas, people, things depleted you this year?
Whew this is a big one. Seriously, though we are not going into 2023 feeling depleted or going down the same path of depletion. So take a moment and truly think what things, events or people truly took away your energy this year. What made you feel depleted?
2. What areas, people, things gave you life?
What things, people, areas gave you life this year. What brought joy to your heart. What brought so much energy to you as a person that you want to have happen in 2023. How can you recreate this in 2023?
3. Where do you need to be restocked?
What areas of your life need to be restocked? Are you lacking in self care, self love, boundaries, joy, rest. What areas in your life do you feel like you want to make sure that you are fully stocked in 2023.
4. What "new things" do you want to create in your life in 2023?
What is the newness that you want to manifest and create in 2023. There is something about 'NEWNESS" that brings life. What are some things that you want bring into your life to create newness?
5. Out with the old.....
What are some things that you need to let go of? What is old that you need to take off of the shelf? What is the thing that you have been holding onto that is no longer serving you? What do you want to leave in 2022.
Take a moment and take inventory before you enter into 2023. Comment below on 1 or more of these inventory questions..and if you are a writer like me download this workbook where you write all of this down and place it somewhere as a reminder of your inventory.
With love,